To be fair to all points of the compass 52 Suburbs headed south this week, to the beachside suburb
of Cronulla. Again, my lack of knowledge about the suburb was astonishing. The extent of it? A
vague memory of a history lesson about Captain Cook and a more vivid recollection of the 2005 riots.
Clearly time for a visit – and my usual ‘exhaustive’ research:
• Cronulla is from the Aboriginal word Kurranulla, meaning "place of pink seashells"
vague memory of a history lesson about Captain Cook and a more vivid recollection of the 2005 riots.
Clearly time for a visit – and my usual ‘exhaustive’ research:
• Cronulla is from the Aboriginal word Kurranulla, meaning "place of pink seashells"
• First bit of Australia’s eastern coastline to be checked out by Europeans (Captain Cook, 1770)
• Sits on a peninsula with the longest surf beach in Sydney on one side and a quiet bay on the other
• The only Sydney beach accessible by train.
On the 40 minute drive down to Cronulla I was struck by how exciting it always feels just before I
arrive in a new suburb. Partly it’s the shock of the new - what will I see, who will I meet (and eek,
will I find any 'beauty' to photograph?). But I also realised I find the process of filling in the blanks
about my own city and expanding the mental picture I have of it to be quietly thrilling.
Speaking of pictures…
On the 40 minute drive down to Cronulla I was struck by how exciting it always feels just before I
arrive in a new suburb. Partly it’s the shock of the new - what will I see, who will I meet (and eek,
will I find any 'beauty' to photograph?). But I also realised I find the process of filling in the blanks
about my own city and expanding the mental picture I have of it to be quietly thrilling.
Speaking of pictures…

catch a train to the beach


surf's up

'protect me'

yin and yang

Ms Hepburn, meet Mr Tansley

on their last legs


follow your dreams

even the bricks have ripples

and so do the windows

heart on his sleeve

shades of Miami

young and old

things of stone

rough diamonds

by the seaside

local colour

'fancy a walk on the beach?'

net net

i see green, i see green, i see green



in the eyes of some
Cronulla turned out to be far more naturally beautiful than I'd imagined. I know it's not high
season yet but it's also appealingly 'empty' and spacious, especially in comparison to its more
northern friends.
As for the built environment, the bits I like best are those that are fading, peeling and generally
disintegrating due to the constant assault by salt and sun. And that foamy, minty jade-like green.
All of which probably drives the locals mad but there you go.
As for the built environment, the bits I like best are those that are fading, peeling and generally
disintegrating due to the constant assault by salt and sun. And that foamy, minty jade-like green.
All of which probably drives the locals mad but there you go.
Next week, 52 Suburbs will be travelling west and east at the same time, to Cabramatta...