Sunday, February 7, 2010

wicked widget

Suburb No 22 will be ready for unveiling tomorrow as promised. But before I post a new suburb
I wanted to try and solve a deeply troubling mystery - why my 'subscribe via email' widget isn't 

It may be a 'feed size' issue and so I'm just testing to see if this post, being tiny, works.

See you tomorrow!

(Update: Doesn't seem to be working still - erghhhhhhhh! Sorry to those who have subscribed - 
even though you probably won't read this as your email subscription isn't working... I'll persist 
with trying to find a solution. Any tips gratefully received.)


  1. I've had this problem before - In my case I had altered the words on the code and then missed a vital bit of code when I installed the widget. Perhaps try re-pasting the code into the blogger gadget, if you haven't already. Oh and maybe check back in the feedburner account itself that the subscriptions you are looking at have been verified. Other than that, I've also found that googling my issues often brings an answer....

    I don't think your post size would be an issue. Your site loads very quickly in bloglines and is no more picture heavy than some design blogs. Good luck with sorting it out.

  2. Thanks Janet. I think I tried re-pasting but will try again!
