Well well. After just over a year of daytripping around this amazing city, we have finally arrived at
our last stop - suburb No 52. It's a very strange feeling I have to say - much odder than I thought it
would be. A potent mix of sadness, relief and satisfaction, with a tiny touch of fear for good measure.
It's a mix of emotions that I haven't been able to shake all week. Every time someone has asked me
what I'm planning to do to celebrate the end of 52 Suburbs, I've felt quite disturbed. I know what
they mean and appreciate the sentiment - but celebrate? Part of me never wants this to end.
So much so that I seem to have spent double the time getting this post out the door. Admittedly
it is a bit of a bumper issue but I think I've been holding on too. Now after two days of editing and
re-editing the time has come - Let's Go Milsons Point!
I had thought about leaving it to chance and choosing the last suburb from a hat filled with the remaining
500 plus suburbs I have yet to nose around in. But after more thought than I've ever given a suburb choice,
I settled on Milsons Point.
Why? For a number of reasons. When I began this project 50 something weeks ago, I was insatiably
curious about the 'non-postcard Sydney', a place that few tourists would ever think to visit. While I
still have hundreds of suburbs left to explore I now feel like I at least have some idea about the Sydney
beyond the glossy brochures. Time to do an about turn and pay a visit to a suburb packed with icons
that scream Sydney to millions of people around the world. Because I never said I didn't like the
shiny glistening bits - the harbour, the Opera House, the bridge. They just had to wait their turn.
Knowing that the last suburb had the potential to be a bit sad, I also wanted to share something
fun with you and end on a high note somehow. A trip to Luna Park, the fun fair at Milsons Point, seemed
like a good idea. Especially as fun and fantasty is where we started with the 1950s Fair at Wahroonga.
Why not end with it too?
And lastly, I liked that we were finishing with a suburb that sits right across from the place where it all
started in 1788, Sydney Cove.
Before we hop on the Ferris Wheel, some history. The Cammeraygal lived along the foreshores
of the area until the British arrived. The suburb was named after settler James Milson, whose son
was one of the bright sparks who built up a ferry business to transport people across the harbour,
pre-Sydney Harbour Bridge days (1935). In the 1920s, many of the suburb's homes were resumed
to make way for the building of the bridge and railway. Today, Milsons Point is a mix of high-rise
residential and commercial, its most notable bits being one end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge,
Luna Park and North Sydney Pool.
Shall we?
Part 1: Just for Fun - the entertainers
My memory must be pretty shocking because as I entered Luna Park through the enormous smiling face,
I could not for the life of me remember if I'd ever been before. I'm certain I never went as a kid (grew
up in Hong Kong) but maybe I did as a young adult.
Anyway, I have to say, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It helped that I went with my daughter
whose excitement was infectious. And that it was the 75th birthday of the park. But I also expected
it to be tackier somehow and was thrilled to find so much of it is old and original.
Part of the reason for this is that it hasn't always been 'Just for Fun' at Luna Park. In 1979 tragedy
struck when a fire killed seven people - six children and one adult - on the Ghost Train. Since then the
park has been closed for long periods of time; at one point complaints about the noise from the rides
threatened to close it down entirely.
As an article I read later explained, "Perhaps ironically, it has been the years of neglect that has
ensured these rare historic designs [murals, art deco architecture] remaining largely intact."
Today, Luna Park's future looks as bright as its zillions of tiny lights with a heritage listing and a special
place in the heart of many Sydneysiders.
So first, let's wander and meet some of the fantastic entertainers who swagger/dance/stilt-walk
through the crowd.

funny faces

my, what large lips you have


say cheese

welcome, you're just in time to see the Incredible Flying Bird

oh, that is a good one!

a real life Dolly Varden cake

Lola and Miss purple toes


Freckle and Speckle :: 1

Freckle and Speckle :: 2

Freckle and Speckle :: 3

dancing girls :: 1

dancing girls :: 2

dancing girls :: 3

peeping tom

dancing girls :: 4


Try Your Kissing Style

nice going kid

hoola hoop :: 1

hoola hoop :: 1
Part 2: Just for Fun - the happy customers
Happiness is...

happiness is a kid on a carousel


Jem at the Wheel of Joy

ha ha


up up and away in my beautiful balloon

woo hoo

waiting to see The Script

not really dressed for The Rotor

Dianne and Loula
Part 3: Swimming under the Sydney Harbour Bridge
North Sydney Pool, probably my favourite pool in Sydney. Original 1936 art deco building with a
tasteful new addition, right on the harbour's edge. On one side is the Sydney Harbour Bridge,
on the other Luna Park. Good for distracting one from counting the laps.

an icon among icons

neighbours :: 1


round and round, lap after lap

the lounge area

look at all those lily pads fellas

nice place to work on a tan :: 1

nice place to work on a tan :: 2

a swim would be nice

neighbours :: 2
Part 4: A walk down memory lane
The last time I walked around the foreshore from Luna Park to Lavender Bay was 10 years ago.
Since then a section of it has been transformed into a sweet little park, the Art Barton Park (named
after the resident artist at Luna Park from 1935 to 1970, Arthur Barton).
If you keep an eye out you'll spy a handful of tiny sculptures dotted along the way by local resident
and artist Peter Kingston. Most of them are classic Australian comic characters such as Blinky Bill
but one is especially moving - 'A Cup of Tea' is a memorial to the Ghost Train victims, designed
by cartoonist Michael Leunig in 1994 and sculpted by Peter Kingston in 2006.

Blinky Bill

A Cup of Tea


Ginger Meggs, stuck on a plinth but with a ripper view



underwater world

sea creatures

old growth
Part 5: The Coat Hanger - above it
Ah yes, the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fast facts - opened in 1932 after six years of toil, world's
largest steel arch bridge that once upon a time cost six pence to cross (three pence if you were a
horse and rider). And you know why they are always painting it? Because the surface area that needs
a slap of paint is equal to the surface area of 60 sports fields.
What amuses me is that despite the fact it takes just minutes to cross the bridge, it's a big
deal to get people from one side or the other to do so.
Milsons Point supports the northern end of the bridge and as such is a busy transport hub. Not just
of trains and cars but cyclists in colourful cling-film Lycra on their way to and from work.

ta da!


rush hour

the final ascent - Karl :: 1

the final ascent - Karl :: 2


the final ascent - Terry

climbing not riding

ooh, it gets windy on the bridge
Part 6: The Coat Hanger - below it
Always wondered what went on behind those massive walls of windows under the bridge you drive
past on your way to North Sydney. Now I know. Car mechanics, classic car shop and a RTA service centre.

old school transport

they don't make cars/windows like they used to

under the bridge

RTA boys :: 1

RTA boys :: 2

RTA boys :: 3
Speaking of cars...

Popeye, stop hitting that car!
Part 7: Harry's buildings
Am at Luna Park, enjoying the chaos, when I look up and see this interesting building. Concrete
looking with white grid. Turns out to be a Harry Seidler and Associates design. Built in three stages,
one section at 2 Glenn Street just won the 25 Year Award for Enduring Architecture at the Australian
Institute of Architects' NSW Architecture Awards. It looks right across the water at another Seidler,
the Blues Point Tower. A slightly more controversial creation.

two Seidlers


classic lines

view over to the other Seidler
Part 8: And back to Luna Park, just for fun
One last look as the day comes to an end, the rides wind up and we all wander home...

afternoon light

golden glow

precious chains :: 1

precious chains :: 2

flying chairs at rest

Chris and Shannon from Mt Druitt :: 1

Chris and Shannon from Mt Druitt :: 2

Chris and Shannon from Mt Druitt :: 3

Gina, reflective, just like me

oh no, she's going!

bringing the suburbs to the icons :: 1

bringing the suburbs to the icons :: 2

surrounded by bright lights now

twinkle twinkle

and goodnight
Oh, I almost forgot, I have a virtual present for you...

cheesy but true
The beauty in Milsons Point? While the icons pack a punch, I like the kinetic energy of the place.
Trains, cars, buses, cyclists. Runners, swimmers, thrill seekers. A suburb in constant motion.
Except for that peaceful little park, honouring six kids and a dad who were just trying to have
some fun.
So it's 2am in the morning. The usual time I finish these posts. But aside from that, nothing is usual
about this particular post. You know what this feels like? When you've been travelling with people
- people you didn't know to begin with but soon felt connected to - and the travels have come to
an end. Some of you have been with me on this adventure for 52 weeks - a whole year.
And now what? This is just too sad. Well, let's just say this is not the end okay? I don't know if there'll
be another 52 Suburbs but here's what I do know - there will definitely be another project and more
adventuring. There just will be.
So stay tuned. I'll be head down for the next three weeks getting the book ready and then who knows.
It is hard to see the keyboard now through the hot salty tears rolling down my cheeks. I cannot
imagine not getting out there and exploring. This city is so amazing and I don't want to stop sharing
it with you.
But like I said, this project has ended but there will be another. And after I've finished the book,
I'll be organising some sort of do. Because by then I probably will feel like celebrating.
In the meantime, I plan on posting once a week still. In fact, if you have any questions about
the project, fire away and I'll answer them next week.
So thank you, thank you, thank you. You've been the most wonderful travelling companion I could
have wished for. I really hope you enjoyed it. I did. Every single hot/cold/hard/easy/exhausting/
funny/disturbing/curious/satisfying/beautiful/ugly/wonderful minute of it.
See you next week.
Your emotions are a delight. I like to see passion in what one does. And you have done this so well. In amongst all your gorgeous images, I love here the green swimming cap and the 2CV. Style-wise I love the shots from above down the height of a subject. How DO you do that? You are not that tall!! I love the pairing of shots - two being much more than one doubled.
ReplyDeleteThe mark of a sportsperson is to know when the tide is at its fullest. Quit when you have achieved the aim. When you are at the top of your game.
I look forward to the book. Best wishes ...
This has been the very best tonic for a Sydneysider now living about as far as one can away from this amazing city (Belfast). Thanks for showing the great diversity through your brilliant eye.
ReplyDeletewhat a finale!
ReplyDeletecan't wait for the next project!
Louise, thankyou for such a wonderful journey, contragulations on the project and wish you well..yes keep me posted:)
ReplyDeleteIt has been a pleasure to ponder for a moment a week at your pics...and wonder about your next adventure.
Luck, lollypops and lizards
" I cannot imagine not getting out there and exploring. This city is so amazing and I don't want to stop sharing it with you."
ReplyDeleteWe can't imagine it either Louise! It's been a fantastic journey travelling with your creative around the 'Burbs' of our home town and seeing it with 'fresh' eyes.
Look forward to seeing your Book -
Thank you :)
Congratulations for completing the project. I'm a bit sad because I really looked forward to each entry every week. I guess now I'll have to look forward to your book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Love the photo's remember the area well from my child hood and many happy times at Luna Park.. thanks for the memories..
ReplyDeleteThanks, Louise, your project has been a real treat since I first started following in early January. Part of the fun has been the ongoing uncertainty of "where are we off to next? I went to school in Milsons Point, with lunchtime invariably spent playing touch footy in the park under the bridge, swimming carnivals at North Sydney Olympic Pool and the Luna Park fire haunting our HSC year. So I was blown away this morning to see this was your final suburb. I'm unsure whether you should "call it quits"; there is much to be said for leaving well enough alone, but I'm sure that what follows next will build on this exercise and bring more joy to you and the many with whom you have shared. Thanks again.
ReplyDeletecongratulations on all of the 52 suburbs - they're all amazing, and your eye makes them even more special. looking forward to the book & your future projects!
ReplyDeleteMarvellous Luna Park and pool shots. What a terrific way to finish off your 52 Suburbs. I wish you could go on. Here's hoping you get a chance to do at least another 52.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad that 52 suburbs has to draw to a close, but what a wonderful finale! I love Luna Park, and even hauled a group of friends there one year to celebrate my birthday. Its old world charm is unsurpassed, and looking across at it from Circular Quay in the evening, when its lights glitter like jewels, I always get the shivers. Thanks for taking us on such a wonderful journey, and for showing us that beauty is all around us if we just look hard enough.
ReplyDeleteThank you Louise for all your wonderful work, and thank you for sharing it with us. I am pleased to see you will be back
ReplyDeleteMore fabulous than I know how to say Louise. Your commitment and photographic eye is - as always - truly inspiring. Had tears in my own eyes reading your post and was heartened to hear there are more projects in the works for you. The book cannot help but be awesome and can't wait to get my copy!! Thank you so much. Dayna. x
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such a beautiful side of 52 suburbs, I have enjoyed every shot and every word. Congratulations!
ReplyDeletethanks so much for a wonderful year of viewing (even though i'm disappointed you didn't visit toongabbie).
ReplyDeletei'm a high school visual arts and photography & digital media teacher. i've sent dozens of students to have a look over the last year, and all have come away with inspiration.
I was a latecomer to this project and have spent many hours "leafing" through the burbs you've covered. Some I thought I knew till I saw your pics, others I've never been to, all have been interesting and shed new light on this vibrant city of ours. The photos have given inspiration to my own creativity and I've enjoyed telling others about the project as well. Good luck with your next venture...
ReplyDeleteHi there
ReplyDeleteI think you should start on the next 52 suburbs after you've finished to book!
Great work
Thank you Louise for sharing your wonderful journey with us through my beloved Sydney. I started to receive the posts about a third of the way through your adventure when I was living far far away from Sydney and missing it terribly. I have since moved home and have loved every picture and comment you have posted. You have shown what a wonderful and diverse city Sydney is. I can't wait for the book. Congrats and thank you.
ReplyDeletedear all
ReplyDeleteForgive me for not replying individually - I finished up posting at 3.45am this morning and haven't quite yet recovered. But I've read every single comment and loved them all - I am feeling the love in this virtual room of ours!
I still feel sad it's over but have pulled myself together sufficiently to be looking forward to a mini celebration later today with some of my beautiful family. I only wish you could all be there - so I'll be thinking of you all while knocking back something cold - and looking forward to a bigger celebration in a month's time to which you'll all be invited.
Louise xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations. I wish I'd found you earlier, your work is inspirational. I also wonder how you take those shots from above.
ReplyDeleteLove looking through your eyes......
ReplyDeleteI admire your work....
you inspire me....... thank you.
Congratulations on your amazing project! I've really enjoyed coming along with you on your journey through the suburbs of my adopted city.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I agree totally with Ann - I wish I had found you earlier. I feel inspired to explore the 'hidden' Sydney.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your weekly posts and your new adventure, whatever it may be.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful photography. I was crying with you at the end! Can't wait for the book. You are so talented and I loved seeing different sides of our lovely city. Congratualtions.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a marathon effort. It's been an absolute joy to read your post each week and like you, I have a real passion for this wonderful city I've adopted. I have enjoyed finding out about suburbs I had only seen on a train timetable or passed through. Good luck with the next project and of course the book, which I will be buying in multiples! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteJennifer XX
Brilliant Louise, just brilliant. I'm one of the ones who have been with you since the beginning, you've created something incredibly special and now, I can't wait for the book. Enjoy your mini-celebration tonight with the fam!
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes,
Pia x
Stunning conclusion!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Louise. I moved to Sydney in February and discovered your site a few weeks before that. It's been a great introduction to the area and and an inspiration to explore these suburbs... and the ones left out, to see for myself.
I'm looking forward to whatever comes next.
One of those last pics is so appropriate to finish with, because Sydney is to me really a "Funny Land" and you've reignited my love for it and made me homesick for 52 weeks now! I STILL want an SBS short film series made(please?)
ReplyDeleteBravo Louise,
Congratulations for completing the 52! Hoping that you'll be back soon, after a well-deserved rest, with more amazing photographs~
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and commiserations Louise,
ReplyDeleteI feel for Louise, you have given amazing weekly performances using your keen artistic eye and trusty super wide angle lens. This audience loves as I do each offering you have provided. You just can't buy the feeling of acceptance and respect you must have felt after each week which you will also miss.
Those side by side photos taught me a lot about synergy and patterns and opened new creative areas of my thinking which I will be forever grateful.
Please keep evolving and growing your gift in different ways as I am sure the best is yet to come!
Kind regards
I've put off popping over to see your last suburb, I so didn't want it to end. But I knew it was coming, better to face it : ( I'd like to say a big thank you from Munich to Sydney (oh I miss you so) - thank you so much Louise for allowing us to join you on your adventure. It was an absolute blast. Your talent and creativity are something special and I can't wait for the book and can't wait for the next project. Best wishes, Alison.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Louise. The ride was well worth it, and I've been with you since my home suburb of No. 3.
ReplyDeleteHi Louise
ReplyDeleteAfter discovering your blog about halfway through, I have to say how much I have enjoyed your journey. Its been a real pleasure to read each of your blogs and not only do I love your 'descriptions', but your photography is beyond awesome.
So thank you, thank you, thank you, for brightening my week, each week.
Last faves:
Old Growth & Golden glow.
'See' you soon
Di xx
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I've seen all 52!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful project, I loved that you've showed the many different sides of this amazing city. Its been so interesting to see more of them, old and new, rich and poor.
I think there are a few more suburbs out there waiting for you, but first a well deserved break, thanks :-)
Thank you. I've been following since the 2nd suburb and it's been a wonderful journey.
ReplyDeletecongratulations Louise on a fantastic creation. every week i was hanging to see the next suburb. Sydney is my home & with photography a beloved hobby this has been a terrific nostagic inspiring journey. thanks & more please. tanja
ReplyDeletewow a prety suburb im just surprised luna park hastn been taken for yet mroe units as the rest of sydneys sites has including wonderland well that isnt units but you know what i mean will your next project be on this blog xxxx love ya
ReplyDeleteThis has been a lot of fun Louise. You've revived a lot of memories for this rather old Sydney boy over the year, and you've fascinated me with parts of Sydney I didn't know existed. But above all, lots and lots and lots of outstanding photos, beautifully selected, paired and captioned each and every time. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteLike Alison I've been putting it off too! Well, I did sneak a peek a couple of days ago but the thought of making a comment was a bit too final...so I left it for a day or so until now.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a fantastic project, and thank you for sharing. I will be sure to look up the archives for my next trip to Sydney and like everyone else here, can't wait for the next project.
I hope you are enjoying your cold drink right about now!
What do I think? When the pollies are driving us crazy, when the talk back has everyone against each other - I look at Louise's photos and comments and marvel at this place called Sydney - so diverse, so accepting, so wonderful. Thanks Louise for reminding us of our home - adopted or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I'm just checking in to read all your wonderful comments. How lucky am I to have had such generous, wise, curious souls riding gunshot with me these past weeks and months. As any of you who blog know, the comments that people like you leave really do make the experience that much more wonderful. So once again, with bear-hug feeling, THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
ReplyDeleteAnd again, sorry for not replying individually but I think all the late nights have caught up with me - my head feels like cotton wool and I have been dragging myself around today. Early mark tonight and all will be well.
Louise xxxxxxxx
Louise x
well done .. you have to do a book,
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed every moment ..
Particular love Chris and Shannon ..
Very talented indeed
Thank you for sharing your creative vision with us all Louise
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you. It's been an inspiration and joy to read each week. Can't wait to hear about your next project!
ReplyDeletewoo hoo well done lou, i say onto 52 arrondissements in paris or 52 'hoods in new york xx
ReplyDeleteamazing work Loise! so easy to fall in love with the city you've never been to when its story teller can see big in small things, surprising in ordinary acts and is sure every place has a soul.
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing!
Merci beaucoup Louise!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Louise
ReplyDeleteIt is sad indeed that this wonderful journey has come to an end. I want to thank you for creating this blog and sharing Sydney through your eyes with us every week. It has really been a joy to log in each week and discover a new part of Sydney via your insightful photography, especially as I am so far away from my home town! I wish you all the best for whichever project comes next and will certainly be looking out for it!
Just like to say thanks. Its been wonderful following your adventure, truely inspiring.
ReplyDeleteEvery post has been visually delicious. Thank you so much for sharing your unique view of beautiful Sydney. Looking forward to your next adventure!
ReplyDeleteThe Baroness, Darlinghurst
Loved the journey that you took us on over the past year. Keep on snaping and hopefully sharing it with us
ReplyDeleteThank you Louise, it was a wonderful journey indeed! Looking forward to the next one! Congratulations from Paris
ReplyDeleteLove love LOVED every single post!!! Always such a joy to find the notifications of your updates in my Inbox each week. Can't quite believe it's over ... *sigh* ... but REALLY looking forward to the book!!!
And can't wait for the next project!!!
Love Jodie
Oh wow, there's a story about you on news.com! I've loved seeing your project mentioned in the media as it's grown!
ReplyDeleteJust a bit confused though... the intro to the story says 'now a movie and a book deal looms'.
Great idea on a project, congratulations on the finale!
ReplyDeleteIt definitely gives more insight to the world around us.
Just wondering what type of camera you used to take the photos?
Louise, I have noticed you are planning to publish a book based on your 52 suburb project. Take this as a advice from a friendly photog: you will need a lot of council and personal permits to do so. While it is OK to use your photographs from anywhere here on a blog, doing so commercially in a book is another story. This also applies to model releases of every person whose photographs you intend to publish in the book. I wish you all the success and hope you were diligent in getting the paperwork right as you went along. The legal jungle out there is unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteLove it, love it!
ReplyDeleteI am just sooooo pissed off that I didn't come up with the idea myself.
I love that you didn't sucked into the whole "ït isn't art if it's not B&W" wank that some many toggies get caught up in.
You are a very talented shooter and I hope you can come up with a great follow-up project.
BTW.. there are no issues with publishing commercially as alluded to by the last poster. You are free to shoot whatever you like in public spaces anywhere in the country... the councils don't have any sort of copyright exclusivity. And model releases only really apply to the US. Permission to photograph someone implies permission to publish in Australia. It has been argued that the US situation is similar here but no-one has ever won a case that I am aware of. Case in point.. imagine if every news photographer had to get permission from the whole crowd at a footy match. It is beyond reasonable expectations.
The entire issue of 'permission' is topical. It would be interesting to get an idea of the law as it is in Australia.
ReplyDeleteMy thinking is that subjects do not have right of veto. If they allow you to take the shot up close where they are identifiable, then the shot is yours to do with as you wish. If they do not grant permission for the original shot, you are nuts if you take it. However, street shots are another thing altogether. Permission and ownership are not really contentious.
I would appreciate any facts on this matter.
Hello all you wonderful people!
ReplyDeleteI'm head down working on the book so apologies for not replying individually as I normally and like to do. But I have been reading all the GORGEOUS comments as they come in and LOVING them all. So a big thank you to everyone.
Just wanted to make a quick comment re-the legal stuff. It's something that cropped up earlier as a question - and paraphrasing the answer from my publisher's legal people - as long as you're not taking pics from behind bushes and not defaming someone, and that they've been asked and agreed to appearing in a blog and/or book, it's cool. Sounds good to me.
Back to the book....
Louise xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Louise! had to leave you a little gift :) You're blog is great. Love the insight into Sydney (I'm from Melbourne). It's also so lovely to see someone has a passion for their city and photography! Keep it going - it's sensational.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Louise.
ReplyDeleteI want to say thank you for sharing something meaningful and vibrant from your city. Some places is unknown to me. Very interesting and it is my map when I am visiting Sydney again.
All the best with your preparation on publishing 52 Suburbs, i will be a hit. Looking forward on your new project, Cheers!
* an ending is also a new beginning, all the best!
Hello Louise.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what more to say that people who comment on your post didn't say. I feel emotion in your words and it is transmit me in my inside. I love your work since first time I accidentally found you in internet. I think you are a amazing photographer with a lot of personality. Colours, shapes, lights, shadows, faces, people, water, sea, sky, flowers, plants, all you capture with your eyes are wonderful. Hope see you in a new project very soon. All the best for you.
Sorry about my poor english. From Buenos Aires, Argentina con cariño :D
o wow! I have only just found your blog - and now the journey is over : (
ReplyDeleteIt looks great here in Milson's Point, so I'm going back, back in time to when it all began....
Good luck with next project and de book!
Wow I love your photos. They give me a new perspective of Milson's Point. You really captured the moments well in the photos.
ReplyDeleteBe outstandingly happy - yes, all great things do end! ... 52 suburbs will end here ... but hard copy book will live on FOREVER, giving endless eyes entertainment and a feeling similar to mine ... which is that of nostalgic Australia ... and, "I remember when I was in Sydney that time" ... plus so much more.
I bet you next project will kick ass.
Oh no it's over! Wow, Louise you have outdone yourself with this post. Amazing colors, love the ferris wheel shots and the entrance to the park. Your photos have been so inspiring and so enjoyable too. I still have some suburbs to see yet, so I can savour the 52 for a while. Can't wait to see what you will do next. Thank you for the 52 most wonderful posts!
ReplyDelete3 cheers for Louise! (standing ovation and crowd cheering and clapping) Thankyou so much for persevering with your project. As a blogger I know how hard it is to consistently post over a long period of time. It has been an absolute pleasure to share your hard work and I look forward to the book. I would like to do a post about your site on my blog if thats ok with you. Im not so sure about putting your images onto the blog perhaps I could just do your blog header. If its ok to post can you let me know what you prefer?
ReplyDeleteYour photos are beautiful....Typical that I arrive right at the end of the party!!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to seeing whatever you do next.
I'm doing the HSC at the moment, and I just found this, and you have no idea how happy it has made me.
ReplyDeleteFrom seeing the suburbs I grew up in, to the ones of my friends and the ones I've only ever seen on signs...
I really can't thank you enough. It has made the hsc much more fun.
Just catching up here with the latest comments. As I'm trapped under a mountain of work (editing, pre-press processing of more than a thousand images, writing etc), I hope you don't mind me not replying to each FABULOUS one (you are all such stars in my eyes).
ReplyDeleteBut I couldn't help respond to the last, Anon who's doing the HSC - I remember the strain of that time and feel so happy to have provided some relief. Just hope trawling through the suburbs isn't too much of a distraction!
I'm stealing some time now to do a quick post.
Louise x
I came across your site by accident. But what a happy accident! Such beautiful photos. You really do have a good eye. And the people shots are something. Loved frickle and freckle and the guys from Mt Druitt. Very Luna Park. You know Harry tried to get it knocked down? The awkward juxtaposition of tacky Luna Park and the elegance of Harry's concrete boxes makes each all the more appealing. I will look out for your book. I want those photos on my coffee table!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it's been a year already since I discovered your blog and your very first suburb. It's been quite a journey with you through your highs and lows.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the memories :)
Bravo Louise..you did it! It has been a true pleasure to have spent the last year here...I look forward to the next chapter...bittersweet indeed.
ReplyDeleteHave enjoyed the journey, thank you
ReplyDeletet the 'non-postcard Sydney', a place that few tourists would ever think to visit. While I
ReplyDeletestill have hundreds of suburbs left to explore I now feel like I at least have some idea about the Sydney
beyond the glossy brochures. Time to do an about turn and pay a visit to a suburb packed with icons
that scream Sydney to millions of people around the world. Because I never said I didn't like the
shiny glistening bits - the harbour, the Opera House, the bridge. They just had to wait their turn.
Read more at chuyen hang di my
Read more at cua go melamine
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