all that work getting the book together, I really needed to put down my mouse and back away
from the computer. I think all that sitting must have messed with some vital part of my vertebra
because I kind of swayed when I walked and didn't feel totally present.
I actually felt so weird that after all the Christmas hoo ha was over and done with, I carted myself
off for a week at a health retreat. No, couldn't really afford it - that's what credit cards are for -
but I just really needed to stop and look after myself. As much as I wanted a total break, I took
my camera with me and managed a few snaps when I was there - I'll post them a little later in the
The break worked and my mind is once again swirling with new projects. Nothing to tell yet so I
thought I'd share with you some pics of an event I shot last year, towards the end of 52 Suburbs.
It involved a small boat, people and rings. Yes, a wedding! No, I know, I'm not a wedding photographer.
But I couldn't resist. 10 years ago the lovely Simeon proposed to the even lovelier Sarah on the top
of the Empire State Building. A decade later they'd produced three kids but were still living in evil sin.
So on 10.10.10 they were going to finally tie the knot. Literally, because their wedding was to be held
on the cutest little ferry you've ever seen - Radar - on Sydney Harbour. The theme? New York
1930-60s. How could I say no? I did warn them that they may only end up with images of pointy
shoes and tasteful hair dos but they were willing to take the risk.
A tiny boat filled with a whole lot of love (and shoes)...
Part 1: The love boat


nephew and auntie :: 1

nephew and auntie :: 2

all heart

there are melons and bananas in her fabulous dress

sea creatures

north-easterly breeze

what bridge, oh that bridge

fifties and flowers

Mad Women

you may kiss the bride

you may kiss the child

you may kiss the father

they cried

they laughed

baby bump



sleeping angel
Part 2: Love Supreme
Radar deposited its newly wedded couple and guests back on dry land just before the heavens
opened. The reception? At Love Supreme, for pizza and creative expression on the chalkboard

Manhattan in Paddington

red shoes

princess at play

love is the word

finally hitched

Thanks Simeon and Sarah for letting me share some of your beautiful wedding. And I did warn you
about the shoes!
I'll be back later this week with more of what-that-52 Suburbs-woman-is-up-to-now images. See you then.
What a gorgeous wedding and what a lot of very funkalicious people.
ReplyDeleteJust beautiful. Brava! Some very special memories in there for us. Lovely.
ReplyDelete(From the lady with the big mouth and the spots)
So wonderful to have you back and what a glorious post! Gorgeous shots. Love the shoes. They are very lucky to have had you as their wedding photographer. Waiting patiently for your book : ) ...and now I'm thinking you should do more weddings and another book...
ReplyDeleteGreat to have you back and love your spin on weddings.
Alison x
ps. know how you feel about the whole looking after yourself for a bit thing. My ''word'' for the year is Nurture...not anybody else, but just me. Nurture myself.
Take care and you look after yourself.
What gorgeous people!
ReplyDeleteJust beautiful. I particularly love the last image, with the heart, initials, and hands.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to blogging world Louise! What a beautiful wedding!
ReplyDeleteGreat snaps. Look forward to seeing more.
ReplyDeleteOh god Louise, your work is breathtaking!! What a fabulous memento for the bride and groom and their guests, and indeed all of us!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing.
Good on you for taking some time out for yourself, who cares about the credit card, once your book sells millions you will be fine!!
Cheers to you!!
Di x
Rouge - Agree. Funk + romance + love. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAnon/lady in spots! - So happy you like! And you do not have a big mouth. You have a beautiful big smile is what you have!
Alison - Thanks for the welcome back. The shoes are good aren't they?!
screamfornoreason - Gorgeous I tell you! Inside and out.
Bella - I love that last image too. So romantic.
Nat - Thank you! I needed that break but it's so good to be back.
J Bar - Thanks! Will be posting again this week.
Louise x
What a wonderful wedding and a superb set of quite different wedding shots.
ReplyDeleteI love them all!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Louise! Great to have you back! I missed you!
I love Weddings generally but I particularly love Wedding photos that capture something more than fluffy white dresses and cake cutting. I feel as if you've shared something of the essence of the day with us. Thank you!
Love the photos, and what a great theme.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the exhibition/ book launch in May.
Love, Love, Love............please never stop!
ReplyDeleteI love weddings that are completely about the two most important people. If they are happy everyone follows. Such love and joy emanates from this series thanks so much for a little peep through the window I feel like I was an invited guest..
ReplyDeleteSo lovely. Looks like a top day. Looking forward to your next project too, just quietly.
ReplyDeleteit looks likes how a wedding should be like :-)
ReplyDeleteDi - Thanks so much, yes, would be good if the book sells squillions!
ReplyDeleteAnn - Thank you. Some of the couple's friends asked me if I shoot weddings and I said, only if they're as flamboyant and interesting to shoot as this one!
Jodie - Thanks! So lovely to be missed!
Trent - Hey! Exhibition preparation is underway and I bet May will be here in no time - so see you then!
Bec - Many thanks, that's lovely.
objectsofwhimsy - So glad you enjoyed it. I agree about it being about the couple but in this case their three lovely little ones just made it even more beautiful.
foraggio - Me too! Can't wait to get cracking on the next project - but it may have to wait until the exhbition and book launch.
sbb - Absolutely agree. There was just such a lovely atmosphere on that little boat. Especially when it rocked and rolled and everyone had to hold lest they topple off their high heels!
Louise x
Arr Radar brings back memories mid 60 s and early 70's best form of transport from Longueville to the city a great expirence a great ferry uniquely
Those are some of the best wedding photos I've ever seen!
ReplyDeleteYour photography is breathtaking.
Russell - It is indeed a great way to travel.
ReplyDeleteAnon - That's lovely, thank you!