Well, you know. There's only so much desk-ing a restless roamer can take. So where, I wondered, if I gave
myself leave from my desk, would I wander? For reasons not necessarily known to me, Mount Druitt
popped into mind.
myself leave from my desk, would I wander? For reasons not necessarily known to me, Mount Druitt
popped into mind.
I've never clapped eyes on the place, how different would it be to the (not good) image I have of it in
my mind's eye?
Hence why on a nondescript Thursday last week I found myself making the 43 km trek west.
Some facts. A Major George Druitt was given the place in the 1800s by Governor Macquarie and duly named
it after his good self. Has one historic house called The Manse (missed it), a large, sprawling shopping
mall/Westfield (can't miss it if you tried) and a handful of religious houses (found two). In 1966 they built
the first housing commission homes and more recently, masses of carbon copy blond brick 'villas'. Almost half
of the people living here were born overseas, double the national average.
So what did I find? Well, I'll let the pictures tell the story. But in a nutshell, it was perhaps one of the best
examples of how a few headlines can ruin a suburb's reputation. Mt Druitt is not without its issues but it
isn't nearly as bleak as you might imagine.
Let's go Mt Druitt!
Part 1: The mall
I have to admit, I did drive around for a bit before I decided to commit to Mt Druitt. It reminded me of
Blacktown and Granville - at first glance, it's hard to see what you'd actually photograph. But seeing as I'd
just spent close to an hour getting here, coupled with the fact I don't like giving in, I finally stopped my
kerbside crawl, parked and started to walk - to the outside mall area. If I wasn't going to find any
architectural gems, I'd at least find people.
Starting with a delightful (true) bunch of hair and beauty Tafe students.

spot the hair and beauty students

colourful bunch



So, I asked one of the students, is Mt Druitt as bad as they say it is. "Nup", she said, "I can hang out here at
11 o'clock at night and I won't get jumped."
Leaving the budding beauty artists I discovered they weren't the only ones hanging out on the mall who
like to spend time on their tresses. There are a large number of Africans living in the area, and all of them
have the best, most interesting, photogenic hair.

salvation in a bottle of dye


five going on fifteen

Acakue from Sudan

back to cheeky

repeat patterns

same idea
Then I met Kamissa ("you can call me Lana") and her mum. In Australia for just one year from Sudan, how did
they find Mt Druitt? "Love it!" they said. It's all relative isn't it?

Kamissa, all the way from across the seas


"call me Lana"
Part 2: Religion
More unprepared and unresearched than ever, I stumbled across just two of the suburb's holy houses -
a mosque and a Maronite church.

good neighbours

residents of Mt Druitt

sun and stars

liberty or death
Part 3: House and Garden, Mt Druitt style
Was driving past when I spotted Ron and his whipper snipper. Been in the area for 40 years, "quite quiet really".

Ron and the whipper snipper

home sweet home at No 10 for 40 years

random old
After Ron, I was told by another local that I should check out 'Old Mt Druitt' on the other side of the railway.
It didn't take long to work out why people who live here never drop the 'Old' when they're asked where they
live - it's almost another world, with well-tended gardens on large quarter acre blocks and a mix of tidy fibro
and brick homes.
I did my first double-take when I spotted David mowing his pristine lawn, set around a centerpiece of old
machinery he inherited from his great-great-great someone or other.

neat is an understatement
David's five kids were home because they'd all just got back from a six week holiday in Malta, visiting relatives.
Lovely man, lovely wife, gorgeous kids and a respect for family history, no matter how rusty. Living on a
quarter acre with a garage big enough to fit a truck (literally - David's a truck driver). Mt Druitt?

Montana, Bryson, Seaton, Chelsea and Dean

Seaton and Bryson
A couple of streets away I met another truck-driver, Gary, and his lovely wife. I asked if I could take a few
shots of their lovely rose bush and they produced a vase filled with yesterday's pruning.

Gary and his garden :: 1

Gary and his garden :: 2
Just as I was beginning to wonder if I'd find anything remotely sinister about Mt Druitt I stumbled across
Kathleen. 89 years old, she was born a few streets away and had been here all her long life. Surely she
must have seen the place 'change' in that time. "Well, yes, but I've never had any trouble." Not surprising
though really - her little dog, Trixie, would frighten the living daylights out of anyone who dared come near
Kathleen - lots of gnashing of teeth and deep growling accompanied by Kathleen's warning, "He'll bite."
Finally I'd found a sinister element in Mt Druitt - small, fat and goes by the name of Trixie.

Kathleen on her quarter acre

Trixie the tyrant

flowers everywhere

hanging gardens of Mt Druitt

bougainvillea buttons
Is there beauty in Mt Druitt? The place isn't flash and of course it has its problems. But it was so much more
normal than I expected. And colourful, from the bright locks of the hair and beauty students to the
multitude of flowers. But perhaps the biggest surprise of all were those quarter acre blocks with well-tended
gardens, tidy homes and nice people. You never hear about that in the 6 o'clock news.