Apologies for the break in transmission. It has been full-on around here ever since a few weeks ago when
the Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for 52 Suburbs Around the World successfully reached its goal.
The funds played a vital role in getting the project over the line - which meant I was suddenly very
busy doing all the stuff you have to do when you exit your life in one country and prepare to start new lives
in a number of other countries.
So first things first, my heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the Kickstarter campaign, either by
making a pledge or just spreading the word. Many many thanks. I love yous all.
Next on the agenda is to let you know of a few changes to the itinerary of the project. We were all going
to be nosing around the suburbs of Shanghai and Tokyo first, until I discovered that Shanghai's icy
winter can be debilitating for wandering photographers (let alone the eight year old 'assistant'),
and Tokyo, well, Tokyo is just a little too iffy for my liking in terms of the radiation factor (and my budget
doesn't extend to buying imported food when we're there). So, after much mind-swirling, I settled on the
following for the first three months of 2012: January, Hong Kong; February, New Delhi; March, Istanbul.
I know it's a little disappointing not to be going to Tokyo in particular (I've never been but hear it's amazing).
But I reckon the new choices are going to be pretty amazing too. And they're all cities that received a lot
of votes from followers of this blog when I put the question of where to visit some time ago - so I hope you
Then after March, it stays the same as it was: Paris, Berlin, Rome and ending in New York. All famous,
over-photographed cities that I hope to be able to show another less famous side of - and in an imaginative
way, care of my diptych, double-image obsession.
Lastly, the new blog is moments away from being ready to show you - so hopefully next time I post,
it will be on the new blog. Very exciting.
Well, that's all for now. I am knee-deep in lists and packing boxes, and Coco is busy ticking off the days on
the calendar - we leave Sydney on December 30, precisely 37 days away.
Before I go, can I just say that, of course, I'm totally stoked about this upcoming adventure. Thrilled at the
same time as being a little sick in the guts with excitement and nerves.
Yet despite all this, Sydney has never seemed more appealing, with purple carpets everywhere, fair-minded
people strolling about and until these last few cold and rainy days, a particular type of blue sky and quality
of light that I adore, especially around the 'golden hour' of 7-8pm. As if I needed any more convincing
after exploring the place for a year and finding so much to be proud of. But really, what a city.

the purple carpets of Sydney
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new cities by the way (and of course anything else you care to share).
Good, bad, indifferent?